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Jordheim, literally meaning Earth House, is the village of partially-submerged domed houses in the Commune of the Salmon. The first territory discovered by Saul Stormbringer, the houses have become an essential part of the packs culture. Despite the years of neglect, the human houses were well built and stout, allowing minimal damage from the weather. There appears to be very little organization to the houses and they nestle in the valley and into the slight hills around the valleys in a chaotic manner. Most of the houses were fitted with strong wooden doors and thick glass windows, although a handful of houses towards the 'back' of the village do not have doors or windows and appear to be in the worst states of disrepair. Pine trees form natural screens for the more secluded houses, and it is a quiet and tranquil clearing in the forest.

Now that the area has been settled for more than a year, the signs of Luperci civilization are more obvious. Well-trodden paths lead between many of the hillocks, and wildflowers have been planted as decoration. An unmarked storage house toward the center of the village serves as a drop-off for leftover food, pelts, tools, and anything else donated by helpful packmates. Cats are a common sight, as strays are often fed and adopted in the village to keep the mice out of the hill homes.

Map of Houses

House Descriptions

First, check the Jordheim Wiki to make sure which houses are unclaimed. Found one you like? Excellent! Post in the VN Maintenance to make it officially yours! If you wanted to let everyone know a little bit about the house, please feel free to send a house description in to us at the same time and we can add it to the Wiki for you! Descriptions should be no more than 150 words, but can include images to demonstrate if applicable. You can also feel free to add your residence to the Jordheim Wiki yourself, if you are comfortable editing it. :)

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