While religion has a strong base in Vinátta, it is not a prerequisite and Vináttans are encouraged to share their beliefs (or non beliefs). Vinátta prides itself on encouraging freedom of speech within their ranks. There is however an undeniable influence of Old Norse culture present, as the pack's spiritual advisor (the Godja, Miskunn Stormbringer) and other relatives from Solbjorg Valley (the prominent Stormbringer family), firmly believe they are descendents of the mighty wolf Fenris, eldest child of Loki the trickster. As oral tradition and Luperci knowledge have changed the original human mythology, the tales of gods and other realms have evolved alongside them. The holidays and traditions celebrated in the pack are largely derived from those of the Solbjorg Valley, but have been adapted to suit Vinátta's cozier setting.
Worship of Gods
If members choose to convert, these are some of the basics they can learn about from the Godja. There are a vast number of deities in the Norse pagan pantheon; below are listed the most well-known and influential. Their blessings may be invoked at pack ceremonies and rituals, but those unwilling to participate personally are still encouraged to attend. In the human tradition, the sacrifice of livestock was a common offering to pay tribute for the bounty of the season, but the Luperci of Vinátta prefer to feast on wild game to honor their wolf ancestors as well as their spiritual leaders. Some choose to devote themselves to a particular patron/matron deity that holds great influence over their lives (for example, a blacksmith would honor Thor). This relationship is called fultrui, and signifies that one's trust lies fully with their god/goddess.
Odin is the All-Father and ruler of Asgard. Odin is a principal member of the Aesir pantheon and is associated with war, battle, victory and death, as well as wisdom, magic, poetry and prophecy. He is the God of Thought and Logic. Common forms of worship include; praying for victory ("May Odin lead us to Victory") as well as prayers for wisdom and prophecy ("May Odin grant me the wisdom to...").
Thor is the son of Odin and considered a formidable warrior. Thor is associated with thunder, lightening, storms, oak trees and strength, but also healing, fertility and the protection of mankind. Thor is the God of Thunder and War. Common forms of worship include; praying for weather ("May Thor grant us good weather/bad weather"), praying for strength ("May Thor give me strength"), praying for healing ("May Thor heal you") and fertility ("May Thor bless this pregnancy..."). Note; Freyr is also associated with Fertility and may also be prayed too.
Loki is universally known as the Trickster and is recognized as the God of Fire. Loki is associated with trickery, mischief and deception as well as independence. It is accepted that Loki is a necessary force to bring about change and to challenge the order of the Gods. Loki is also the father of Fenris, whom the Stormbringers believe they are descended from, and is worshiped as such. Common forms of worship include; praying for deception ("May Loki guide me in shadows...") as well as praying for change ("May Loki turn the hands of fate and grant change to these lands").
Freya is considered to be the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Compassion. She is also a warrior, known as "The Queen of the Valkyries", and is perceived as being the embodiment of female power. Freya is believed to hold Cats, Birds and Boars sacred and was known to have had a chariot pulled by cats. Prayers of love, lust and child blessings are those sent to Freya- ("Freya bless this child with your love").
Freyr is known as Freya's twin brother and both are notorious for their beauty and compassion. Freyr is depicted as one of the most important gods in Norse mythology. Freyr was associated with sacral kingship, virility and prosperity as well as sunshine and fair weather, and was pictured as a phallic fertility god. Common forms of worship include; praying for good weather ("May Freyr bless this day with fine weather"), prayers for prosperity ("May Freyr bless this crop and give us good harvest" and "We thank Freyr for this good harvest"), and prayers for male performance.
Horgr and the Sacred Grove
A Horgr is an altar of sorts, consisting of heaps of stones. The Scared Grove remains the spiritual place of worship and is maintained by the Godja, who also lay the Horgr. Members are free to worship any Gods here, or to seek the Godja out for advice and help. Disruption of the Horgr is a punishable offence and with the Godja guarding the altar carefully, it is a foolish endeavor.
Frithr Necklaces
Frithr (meaning peace) necklaces are small wooden charms presented to new members in their Welcome Packs. They symbolise a new beginning for the member, a visual representation of their acceptance into the pack and as a ward for superstitions. Frithr necklaces are made from the White Walnut tree in the Sacred Grove, a little piece of the figurative Yggdrasil (world tree). They are in the shape of the pack symbol- a miniature Thor’s hammer polished smooth. Frithr necklaces are frequently found handled by their wearers- they are believed to be wards for good luck and against superstitions.
Celebrated Holidays
Members of Vinátta are encouraged to celebrate holidays and festivals, and have something of a reputation for their grand parties. Every member is free and welcome to attend, as even non-believers find these celebrations provide an opportunity for pack bonding and feasting regardless of religion. They are generally joyful occasions and rarely formal.
Dec 21 to Dec 30. Jul is considered the Norse Christmas and New Year, although this is a festival that stretches for 12 days. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things. It symbolises the darkest of times (Winter Solstice) as well as re-entering the world with the brightest of hopes. Gifts are exchanged during this period and are encouraged to be something made by the giver.
Variable Date. Thursebolt is the celebration of the Full Moon in January. This celebration is a feast in honour of Thor. Members ask for Thor to invoke his power to drive back the frost and allow Spring to return. In Vinátta it is a quieter affair, more likely to be celebrated by families in their homes than a packwide gathering.
Mar 20 and Mar 21. Ostara is a two day pagan festival dedicated to the Spring Goddess Ostara. Celebrating renewal, rejoining and fertility, the pack organizes games and celebrations over these two days for members to participate in. Gifts of coloured eggs are given to friends and loved ones, and are typically buried to make their wishes come true. In Vinátta, it is often the most fun holiday for children.
June 20 and June 21. This is the celebration of the Summer Solstice. The celebration promotes power and activity. It is usually a casual get-together in Vinátta, often characterized by a fishing expedition over the Grand Lake. The festival finishes with a feast on the night of the 21st, where the day is longest.
July 21 to August 1. This is the harvest festival and it is encouraged that the whole pack join in for the harvest. Thanks are given to Urda and Freyr for their bounty. Often, it is celebrated by giving food to the less fortunate - Vinátta opens its borders to guests from other packs as well as hungry loners. The harvest is finished with a large feast on the night of August 1st, to celebrate the bounty.
October 29 to November 2. This marks the beginning of the winter season, where cold seeps over the lands and hibernation occurs. Specifically, remembrance of the dead and one's ancestors are made during this time. Offerings are given to those long gone, a trinket or small item lain on the Horgr in the Sacred Grove. It is meant as a celebration of good memories as well as the fall harvest, so in Vinátta it is often accompanied with food and drink. This ceremony occurs on October 31 and is the equivalent to Samhain or Halloween.Ausa Vatni
Performed upon request. A welcoming ceremony for new puppies, who are blessed at the shores of the Grand Lake in the name of Thor, and receive their Frithr necklaces as a first gift. Parents are not required to make their offspring participate; instead, if they would like their Aeska to be initiated in the Norse fashion, they must seek out the leadership or Godja and request a ceremony take place. It is the equivalent to a baptism. (Stipulations: The puppy must be at least one month old at time of request. At least one parent/guardian should be Vináttan, active or NPC. Must be a canine puppy, ie. dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, jackals.)Production
Farmers, traders and home makers, the Norse were near self-sufficient and dabbled in all manners of skills which Vinátta have tried to incorporate. Vinátta remains a peaceful place to live, encouraging aspects of contribution and learning. As well as mastering skills and producing items for the pack and for trade, Vináttans are renowned for their building skills, using methods from the Old Norse ages to make their buildings not only strong but traditional. Once the harvest has been bought in and stock is taken, Vinátta look to trade their excess items just before the start of the winter.
Wine Production
The vineyard, once cleared of weeds and restored, still produces sweet grapes that are made into wine. The production process is a simple affair and the wine is bottled. After the pack stocks are refilled, and bottles set aside for Welcome Packs, the remaining stock will be used for trade.
Trading Items
As well as alcohol, Vinátta are notorious for the items that they produce, grow, raise or make for trade. These include such a wide variety of items, although a few will include; metal products (from the forge), livestock and livestock products (milk, cheese, butter from cows, wool and lanolin from sheep, eggs from chickens) and most everything that traders could ask for. For an accurate list of Vinátta's Inventory Page, see here.
In Character Features
Welcome Pack
Upon joining Vinátta, every newcomer will be taken to Jordheim and presented with a gift to help with the transition into Vináttan life. Gift baskets are provided during that time; each different but essentially containing the same necessities such as pelts to keep warm, skinning blades, a supply of homemade wine and a Frithr necklace. For an in depth look, see our Welcome Packs page.
Vinátta's history is recorded in a unique way. Displayed in an Almanac that is updated whenever anything new happens, this Almanac is an In Character feature and all members (who are literate) will be able to see and read the packs detailed history. Characters will be up to date on what has happened in the pack and players can integrate this knowledge into post. To see this feature, visit our Almanac Page.